I raced BMX. I started in 1982 when I was 4 years
old....." |
of Birth: 02-06-78
Worcester, England
are your sponsors? Kona, Ford Focus, Oakley, Tioga,
Airwalk, Gripshift, Rock shox, Shoei Helmets, Progold - energy
drinks, SO-CAL race wear, Hope brakes, Maclaines bike shop.
you have a girlfriend? Yes, Ann-Marie. We have been together now for more than 3 years.
did you start to race Mountainbikes? I started racing
mountain bikes in 1997, with Team Kona. I have been sponsored by
them ever since.
did you do before? I raced BMX. I started in 1982
when I was 4 years old, and raced full time until the age of 18. Then Kona made
me an offer that I
couldn't refuse.
was you biggest succees so far? BMX World Champion
1995, 1996. BMX British Champion 8 times, BMX National series
champion 8 times. Biker-X
champion 1999. 5th overall 2000 Dual World
do you train for the races? I train twice a day for
around one and a half hours each session. My training consists
of long road rides to build endurance for long race weekends,
sprint work to improve my Dual racing, Gym sessions to improve
strength, and then I try to do as many sports as possible during
the week to keep my general fitness high. Sports like moto cross,
BMX, running, badminton and swimming are all tied into my
training every week.
do you train with? I train with a few people. Firstly
my gym partner is Danny White, who also races downhill at the
nationals in the sport category. He comes over to my house 3
times a week and we train in my gym. Then there is Helen
Mortimer who I do most of my other training with. Also I
go riding with Matt Farmer and anyone else who wants to
go out that day.
are you doing when you are not riding your bike?
Usually out riding my moto cross bike. I have just bought a new
Yamaha YZ 125, so most of my spare time is spent on that. Also I
play on my Playstaion, watch videos and go clubbing every
weekend if I can.
will you do in the winter? Just train my ass of to
try and break into the top 3 overall in the Dual World Cup. At
the moment I am so close that it is giving me the motivation to
train hard all winter.
what it is like to race Downhill or Dual!? Well
downhill is a blast. You are sat in the start house and you hear
the 5 second countdown, and for the next 5 minutes you will be
controlling everything that goes on. All the practice that
weekend, all the training over winter comes down to
that one, five minute run. If you brake early for a turn,
if you crash, if you
don't pedal hard enough. It all comes down to the choices you
make in that one run. You are racing a clock that you cannot see,
so your result and feelings |
at the finish line all come
down to the judgements that you make on
the course. Dual is slightly different in that, you have
a marker that you can
judge yourself on, that being the other rider. All you have to
do is beat that other guy. If you are in front, you are doing
your job, if you are behind
then you have about 25 seconds to get infront of the leader or
you can get your
coat and go home. Thats what I like so much about dual; the
intensity. It is all over in 30 seconds, so your decision
making has to be so quick, and the decision always has to right,
because there is no chance
that you will catch up.
is the biggest different between BMX and moutainbike racing?
I like the fact that the rivalry in mountain bike racing is
friendly. Very rarely do you see arguments or disputes at a
mountain bike race, whereas in BMX the rivalry is a bit more
aggressive. If there is a take out move in BMX then
something will be said at the finish line. In dual racing,
aggressive passes are
just part of the action, and the racers just get on with it.
a normal day in your life?! Get up, not to early!!
Eat breakfast, and then go out for my morning training session.
Then come back and watch some motocross or MTB videos. Usually I
will be calling sponsors and other racers just to say hi. Then
lunch usually |
with Ann Marie. Later that
afternoon I will do my second training session for the day for
about an hour and a half. Then I will eat my evening meal and go out for
the night to a pub, club, or do something like the cinema, ten pin
bowling, ice skating or whatever, but I usually go out most nights.
should be changed at the World
Cup? It is a question that is raised an awful lot, and my
honest answer would be not much. The reason I have said that is because
earlier in 2000 I helped to organise a local race for the regional race
series, and the amount of problems that we had that week with, car
parking, entries and land owners was unbelievable. So for an event as
big as the world cup to run as smoothly as it does in rain or
shine, I think is a real creait to the UCI and the individual race
organisers. If only the events could attract more spectators then we
could make the sport bigger.
are your goals for 2001? My goals for any race season have
always been to go in and win the overall season, wheather it was on BMX
or MTB. Next year will be no different. I want to win a few world cups
and for the first time bring the overall world cup to europe. Only
Americans have won the overall so far, so I would like to be the first
to change that. In downhill I would like to carry on with the
improvement that I have made every year and try to brake in to the top
30 at every world cup.
words: I would just like to say thanks to everyone who has
supported me over the years. My Mum and Dad have always been the driving
force behind my racing, without them I would not be where I am today.
Kona for believing in me when I was racing BMX but thought that I might
do ok on a mountain bike
without ever having riden one, Ford for coming on board so that we could
expand the team into one which is now a world player, all of my sponsors
who have stuck by me over the years, my girlfriend Ann Marie for putting
up with the roller coaster season and keeping me in the right frame
of mind when it mattered, and finally anyone who has ever stood
out on a freezing cold day and shouted for me in a downhill race, it is
appreciated. |
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