in Germany Part 2 |
we got some pics of the first practice session
from the "Red Bull Race Down to the Middle of the
on February,
10th 2001, Sondershausen
from the SX in Germany |
Volunteer Nationals Memphis, TN Jan 20-21
number 2 on the ABA 2001 ABA pro tour was held in
Memphis, Tennessee this past weekend. With over
200 moto's, a great track design, and 22 of the
top Pros in BMX, this race heated up the cold
weather in M town. When not sight seeing
Graceland, the pros battled it out for the top
spots on the podium. Jamie Staff knows that being
consistent is the way to win a title in BMX. Well,
consistency maybe Jamie's middle name, as just
like in Reno. Mr.Staff added another AA pro win.
Jamie also won Pro Open on Sunday! Mark that down
as win number 2 in AA pro for Jamie in ABA so far.
Randy Stumpfhauser was just named one of the
fastest racers for 2001 in BMX plus, and they were
spot on. In Memphis, Stumpy Took 3rd in AA both
days, as well as a 1st and 2nd in Pro Cruiser.
Stumpdog is charging hard this season and is
looking to add a few titles along the way.
Nicolas Vouilloz to race the Rally of Monte Carlo |
La Grave de Peille, France (Jan 16,2001) Nicolas Vouilloz has been selected
to race in the 3 days Rally of Monte Carlo, commencing Jan. 19th. He will
be driving a Renault Clio Williams Group N3. This is the most famous car
race in France and is part of the World Rally Championships! Each day the
competitors will start in Monaco, racing 4 to 6 stages on the roads in the
surrounding area and then finishing the dayreturning to Monaco.This is not Nicolas' first try at car racing. He competed in the Rally of
Vence two months ago. He performed very well, leading the N group (stock
category) at the completion of the first day. Unfortunately, he as forced
to abandon the second day, due to shifting problems.Nicolas is happy with his car, "I did try different sets of tires,
including the snow tires, they make the car slide a little more on the dry
sections, but I am getting used to it. We drove all the stages except the
one we will race on Sunday. This is no big deal as they are my training
roads."This time, Nicolas will be on stage with the very best Rally drivers
n the world at a Championship event.Nicolas's results will be posted on www.vouillozracing.com for complete
results of the race , visit www.rallye-live.com |
of the printed world |
- Sports: BMX
- Country: Germany
- Language:German
- Contents:Australia
tour, GT European Tour, a lot of great pics and cool
- Sports:Mountainbike
- Country: Spain
- Language:Spanish
- Contents: Sari
Jörgensen interview, Myles Rockwell interview, test
and set up stories
- Sports:Mountainbike
- Country: Spain
- Language:Spanish
- Contents:Bike tests
and bike travel tours
- Sports:Motocross
- Country: Germany
- Language:German
- Contents:X-games
Australia, SX worldchampionship leipzig, interview
Marco Dorsch, a lot of ecxelent pics
- Sports:Mountainbike
- Country: England
- Language:English
- Contents:Adele Croxen
interview, Vouilloz interview, Vans triple crown, a
lot of different stories
- Sports:Motocross
- Country: Spain
- Language:Spanish
- Contents: Roncada
interview, Pro Bike test: Bolley, Smets and Langston,
Trial Bikes for Kids
- Sports: BMX
- Country: USA
- Language:English
- Contents:Northwest
Roadtrip, big Poster, 2000 King of Dirt finals,
- Sports: Mountainbike
- Country: Germany
- Language:German
- Contents:big Bike
-Guide for the internet, bike tests and some racing
- Sports: Motocross
- Country: Germany
- Language:German
- Contents:250cm3
test, Sx worldchampionships and Freestyle in Leipzig,
Ralley and Enduro
Powerlite pro killed in motorcycle accident |
Doug Luden
from GT: "By now you might have hear that Mario Soto was killed yesterday, January
16th, in a motorcycle accident in Columbia. The information that we have at
this time says that Mario riding a street motorcycle and lost control around
a turn. His front tire hit a curb and he was thrown from the bike into a
nearby fence. Mario was wearing a helmet, but his crash was too severe and
he passed away. Mario was home on vacation, and was set to return to the
USA in a short time to return to the BMX season. We will be working on some
type of gathering here at GT one night next week for everybody to get together and remember Mario. When this
information becomes available I will forward the details to you all." |
in Germany |
Bull is organizing a mountainbike Dual race 700
meters under the earth. The riders will race
against each other and Red Bull is trying to get
the best riders in the world to this event. The
race will be in the east of Germany at the 10.
Februar 2001. More in the future! |
Defeats McGrath And Wins Second-Career 250cc EA SPORTS
Supercross Event |
Diego, Calif. - In front of the 61,368 fans that
packed into Qualcomm Stadium, Team Chevy Trucks
Kawasaki’s Ricky Carmichael (Havana, Fla.) won
Round Two of EA SPORTS Supercross Presented by
Speed Stick aboard his KX 250cc motorcycle. Team
Yamaha of Troy/Fox-backed Justin Buckelew picked
up his first 125cc EA SPORTS Supercross win.
results |
Kicks Off EA SPORTS Supercross With Big Win |
Calif. - Seven Time supercross champion Jeremy
McGrath put an exclamation point on his 2001 250cc
EA SPORTS Supercross campaign with a win in front
of 45,050 fans in the sold-out Edison
International Field.
results |
wins german sx-cup overall |
Thierry Bethys won the overall of the
german sx-cup and takes a brand new Audi
TT home.
results |
Thierry Honda Sarholz Racing Team
Schmidt Motorsport
zum Mountainbikelehrer 5.-8.4.2001 |
ihr schon immer in einer professionellen
Mountainbikeschule arbeiten und euer Wissen und eure
Begeisterung weitergeben? Die Mountainbikeschulen bikeride,
Mountainbike Academy und Die Rasenmäher, geleitet von
Manfred Stromberg, Stefan Herrmann und Holger Meyer bieten
jetzt als Pilotprojekt zum ersten mal in Deutschland eine
öffentliche Ausbildung zum Mountainbikelehrer an. Wenn
eure Fahrtechnik sehr gut ist, ihr offen seid und glaubt,
Lehrinhalte mit Freude und Humor vermitteln zu können,
dann solltet ihr Euch noch heute melden. Erfahrt alles über
die mehrtägige Ausbildung vom 5.-8.4.2001, die zum
Selbstkostenpreis angeboten wird. Mit dieser Ausbildung
besteht die Möglichkeit, für die Mountainbikeschulen der
langjährigen Bikeprofis zu arbeiten. Kontakt: bikeride;
tel: +49-(0) 23 02-94 18 48; info@bikeride.de |
Challenge at Edison International Field |
in eight teams of three, Devenport, Barda, and Lopes put
in consistent rides to dust the most competitive field
this event has ever seen. Finishing second was Vanilla Ice
(musician), Alan Foster (BMXer), and Alan Cook (BMXer).
The third place team featured John Hopkins (road racer),
Sunny Garcia (surfer), and Adam Booth (BMX). The
individual winner of the race was mountain biker Randy
Lawrence, who is Jeremy McGrath’s former mechanic.
Lawrence’s team, composed of Aaron Burns (EA SPORTS) and
Eric Carter (mountain biker), finished fourth overall. |
Dortmund Day 2 |
Chad AUS
Kosak Kawasaki-Team
FRA Honda Sarholz Racing Team
USA Bodo Schmidt Motorsport
FRA Team Yamaha Kurz Casola
Craig AUS
Bodo Schmidt Motorsport
Jussi FIN
Honda Sarholz Racing Team
FRA Kawasaki Green Team Pfeil
Stefan GER
Kawasaki Green Team Pfeil
FRA Honda Sarholz Racing Team
Marco FIN
Team KS Yamaha
Troy AUS
Team Yamaha Kurz Casola
GER Team ORTEMA Hallenberger
If he is not on the ground Chad Reed
is flying and winning races like in Dortmund. On
day one he was on the ground at least three times
in his first moto. But on saturday he was all in
front and showing good starts and a lot of style.
In 125 cm3 Markus Mauser from
Austria is on a roll. He won his 5 straight race
in Dortmund and managed to win the championship
one day before the last race. |
racing dates in England |
DH 5
DH 6
Lammerts leaves GIANT |
heard that Johan Lammerts, the global team manager of the
Giant mountain bike racing team, has made official his
departure from the world's largest bicycle company. He
worked together with riders like Rune Hoydahl, Christophe
Dupouey and Jerome Chiotti. Last year his teamrider Myles
Rockwell became worldchampion. Johan will be staying with
bicycles and will work for a road team.
Dortmund Day 1 |
minutes freestyle show |
Bethys |
Thierry FRA Honda Sarholz Racing Team
AUS Bodo Schmidt Motorsport
FRA Team ORTEMA Hallenberger
FIN Honda Sarholz Racing Team
KellyD. USA Bodo Schmidt Motorsport
Chad AUS Kosak Kawasaki-Team
Bernd GER
Bodo Schmidt Motorsport
Jerome FRA Kawasaki Green Team Pfeil
USA Meyer Honda Racing Team
Marco FIN Team KS Yamaha
GER Kawasaki Green Team Pfeil
Chris USA Meyer Honda Racing Team
Stuff from McGrath |
Christmas Classic Columbus, Ohio
2001 NBL pro season kicked off once again in the
Columbus Ohio convention center with one of the
best built BMX racing tracks. The NBL once again
out did itself with a tight and technical track
with 2 huge pro sections. With the riders looking
to get a head start on the pro points chase, it
was a huge weekend with over 35 AA pros in
attendance.Thomas Allier rode the NBL #1 pro plate
for the first time in Ohio, and he didn't let any
of his fans down. Thomas was one of the only pros
to make both the AA pro and Pro Open main both
days, and as usual if Thomas is in the main, he is
going to do well. Thomas Won Both AA pro and Open
on Sunday, as well as a 4th in AA and 7th in Open
on Saturday. Look for another great season from
last years NBL #1 pro, UCI World Champion, ABA Pro
of the year, Vans Triple Crown round winner.
Scott 2001
Team International :
XC : Florian Vogel
DH : Céline Gros et Franck Parolin
Manager : Guillaume Koch
Team France :
XC : Remy Absalon (junior), Eric Achard, Charles
Armatasset (junior), Jean Demaret (junior), Julie Rajol
(junior), Benjamin Sevessand (espoir) Yoann Vachette (espoir)
DH : Jérôme Clémentz et Christopher Hatton
Manager : Franck Gamones
Llanes teams up with Yeti
the Yeti/Pearl Izumi`s powerful new team in 2001
will be Tara Llanes. Tara was the silver medallist
in the Dual at the 2000 World Championships and
finished 2nd overall in the UCI World Cup
standings. Llanes has also proven her strength in
the downhill, finishing third at the NORBA NCS #2
at Mount Snow, Vt. |
Deldycke finds new sponsor |
heard that Mikael Deldycke will be riding
for SCHWINN in 2001 |
Team 2001 |
Vouilloz Racing Team the names of its new
riders: Julien Poomans,a 19 year
old , and Julien Camellini, a 16 year old.
Both are some of the most promising French
downhillers, and adding them will allow
the team to develop long term goals.
Julien Poomans was noticed this year in
Spain when he won the Junior Men’s
Downhill at the Mountain Bike World
Championships. Julien has a great passion
for cycling and motor sports (he also
rides a MX bike). Julien started racing
with BMX , but an elbow fracture lead him
to change disciplines and try mountain
biking. Julien Camellini proved
himself this year during international
races, with a second place at the Junior
European Championships and a fourth place
at the Junior World Championships. "With
two more years as a junior, Julien can
have serious expectations for
international races, and we will make sure
that all the advantages are on his side"
explains Stéphane Girard the new
teammanager. Julien Camellini started
mountain biking at 10 years old. To
diversify his training, Julien rides
motorcross, BMX and plays tennis.