Results Red Bull snowmania

  1. MAROŠI; Michal; AUTHOR


  3. DRÁBIK; Peter; PARTNERS N.M.n.V.


  5. PÁNKA; David; 0




  9. KOTÁB; Antonín; CK KUČERA

  10. LOULE; Jan; FA&JI

  11. ŠIMČÍK; Daniel; MERIDA





  16. OSIS; Gundars; KENGURI

No more Cratoni helmets for the Vouilloz Racing team
La Grave de Peille, Febr. 23rd 2001-The Vouilloz Racing Team announced today that Cratoni has decided to not renew their contract with Nicolas Vouilloz's Team. Cratoni, the team's helmet sponsor for the year 2000 seemed yet to benefit of 8 time World Champion's image. The German Company took indeed the opportunity of this relationship to redesign their products, with for example a new DH helmet."We are really surprised by this decision, especially as we got from Cratoni an offer that we accepted to renew our contract a few weeks ago. This situation in the middle of the winter will certainly be a problem for us", explains Stephane Girard, the team manager. Cratoni's officials explain that their decision is due to an unexpected problem with a production machine that they will have to replace. "It's really a shame, that they cannot find a solution to keep us, everybody has spend a lot of energy on both sides, and everything is lost. Now all we have to do is start all over again to get a new helmet sponsor." adds Stephane Girard.
Mountainbike-X in Bochum/Germany
The MBC UNIT BOCHUM will held a Mountainbike-X race on 22.April 2001. The race will be on the new track in the middle of Bochum/Germany. They will held a Mountainbike race and a BMX King of Dirt contest. More information:  
Nicolas Vouilloz signs new tire contract
Amsterdam, February 15, 2001: Tioga Bicycle Components announced the signing of the eight time Mountain Bike Downhill World Champion, Nicolas Vouilloz (France) and the Vouilloz Racing Team. Joining Vouilloz on the Vouilloz Racing Team will be Julian Poomans (France), current Junior World Champion and Julian Camellini (France), three times Junior French Cup Champion. "Vouilloz has done extensive testing with the (Tioga) tires and is very excited about working with Tioga this year, the times posted at the races are getting really close (to each other), races are 
sometimes won by one hundredth of a second, we need every advantage we can get", said Stephane Girard, Vouilloz Racing Team manager.Tioga will support Vouilloz Racing and the other Tioga sponsored teams on the hectic World Cup and NCS circuits. "We have increased our staff at the races to give our teams the attention they need, we have new tire technology, hot rodded tire cutting machines, we’re here to win…" said Jeff Holt of Tioga’s US division, "…No more screwing around".

Red Bull Race Down to the Middle of the Earth: Mountain-Bikers downhill on the highway to hell

Die Franzosen dominierten die Premiere des wohl bisher einmaligsten Mountainbike Rennens, dem Red Bull Race Down to the Middle of the Earth, das 800 Meter tief in der Erde stattfand. Cedric Gracia und Anne-Caroline Chausson haben dabei bewiesen, dass sie wahrlich fahren können wie die Teufel! Eine stillgelegte, 110 Jahre alte Salzmiene in dem kleinen Ort Sondershausen in Thüringen war der Austragungsort des ersten unterirdischen Downhill Mountainbike Rennens, zu dem sich die 16 weltbesten Männer und 8 Frauen in 
stockdunklen Aufzügen 800 Meter tief in den Bauch der Erde heruntergelassen haben um sich dort unter wahrlich teuflischen Bedingungen zu messen: dunkle, enge Schächte, nur von einem schwachen Rotlicht beleuchtet, züngelnde Feuer, Hitze, Sprünge: die steile und anspruchsvolle Strecke verlangte von den Fahrer absolutes Können und eine gehörige Portion Mut. Den mehr als 300 Gästen, die das Rennen in einer extra ausgehobenen Höhle auf einer Leinwand verfolgen konnten, wurde Extrem Sport vom Feinsten geboten, bevor  an diesem Abend Wohl Europas tiefste und heißeste Party  gefeiert wurde.Die französischen Teufel 
  1. Gracia, Cedric

  2. DeBever, Bas

  3. Deldycke, Mickael

  4. Marosi, Mickal

  5. Caluori, Claudio


  1. Chausson, Anne-Caroline

  2. Streb, Marla             

  3. Llanes, Tara      

  4. Groß, Celine     

  5. LeCaer Nolvenn              


siegen und alle Fahrer sind sich einig: "Dieses Race werden wir nie vergessen!" Auf der dunklen und 30C heißen Piste gewann der Franzose Cedric Gracia, 23 Jahre alt und aus Pau das Finale gegen den Holländer Bas De Bever, 32. Der Dritte Platz ging an den jungen Franzosen Mickael Deldycke, 19, der den Tschechen Michal Marosi in einem packenden Rennen auf den undankbaren vierten Platz verwies. Und das ganze mit einer gebrochenen Hand! "Dies war mit Abstand das coolste Rennen, das ich bisher gefahren bin, das wird keiner von uns hier jemals vergessen!", so Cedric nach dem Rennen. Bei den Frauen gewann Anne-Caroline Chausson, 24, Doppel Weltmeisterin im Dual und Downhill, ebenfalls aus Frakreich. Sie siegte vor der Amerikanerin Marla Strepp, der 35 jährigen Biker Legende und einer weiteren starken US Lady, Tara Llanes, 23. Cedric ist aktueller Downhill World Cup Sieger in Leysin, Sieger beim Dual World Cup in Mont-St. Anne, und stand in 200 jeweils als Zweiter der 
Dual World Cups von Les Gets/Frankreich und Kaprun/Österreich auf dem Treppchen. Der zügellose Spaßvogel fällt durch seinen sauberen und "Air Style" auf. Ihm ist wirklich Alles zuzutrauen und das hat er hier beim ersten Red Bull gewagten Race Down to the Middle of the Earth eindrucksvoll bewiesen! Anne-Caroline kann auf eine eindrucksvolle Liste von Siegen zurückschauen. Sie ist Doppelweltmeisterin in Dual und Downhill, World Cup Gewinnerin in Downhill und Dual und insgesamt seit 9 Jahren bei Weltmeisterschaften ungeschlagen. Sie hat allein in diesem Jahr 13 World Cups gewonnen, sei es im Dual, oder dem Downhill.
ABA Mid America Nationals Wichita, KS Feb 10-11

ABA stop #3 on the Pro tour was met with a winter snow storm, but this did not keep people away, as 230 motos of BMX racing warmed up the cold weather.  With a huge crowd, the pros showed their skills and speed, as well as their manners as they signed autographs for the kids that do not get the chance to see them very often. Jamie Staff continues to race strong in AA with two more top finishes. On Saturday, Jamie was on fire and placed 2nd in AA and 3rd in Pro Open. On Sunday Staff once again proved his consistency with another 2nd place in AA but a bobble in Open held him back to 6th. Wade Bootes  made his valiant return to BMX racing since his return from Australia last week. Wade went to his first ABA national of the year with the #1 plate and it must have motivated him, as he was victorious placing 1st in AA pro on Saturday. On Sunday, A crash in the first main held wade back to 3rd overall, but with at least 14 other race weekends on his schedule, Wade will surely grab more great finishes. Warwick Stevenson returned from Australia on Tuesday to get ready to make his quest for his first American BMX title and he is well on his way. On Saturday, Warwick raced to an awesome 1st place in Pro Open and 3rd in AA. When Sunday came, young Podge geared up and was flat out the ruling, as he won both AA and Pro Open. Expect great things from Warwick in 2001. Robert MacPherson always rides strong in Wichita, and 2001 was no different. On Saturday, Big Mac was in both the  AA and Open mains, with a  best of 4th in AA and a 5th in Pro Open. Sundays results were a 5th in AA pro and a 8th in Open due to a spectacular crash. Jason Donnell ventured out to Wichita to make a mark in the AA class, and he did just that with making 3 of the 4 pro mains that he entered. On Saturday, Jason finished 6th in AA and 4th in Open and on Sunday he finished 8th in AA pro.

NBL Silver State Nationals Mesquite, NV Feb10-11
Stop #2 on the  NBL Pro Tour was held this past weekend in Mesquite, Nevada. With ESPN there to film, the Sun Ringle Holeshot award up for Grabs on Saturday, and valuable NBL Pro Points, there was a lot on the line for the pros. A great track layout including a pro section awaited the AA pros and they were  not disappointed. Leave it to the NBL to take BMX consistently to the next level. Thomas Allier kept his consistent racing style up atop the podium once again. On Saturday, TV day, Thomas dominated the AA and Open classes in the motos and did not stop once the mains began. Thomas placed 1st in Pro Open and 2nd in AA. On Sunday, Thomas once again stepped up and was the dominate pro in attendance as he won both the AA pro and Open Class. Say hello to the leader in NBL pro points. Christophe Leveque gave himself a birthday present on Sunday as he was in both the AA and Pro Open mains. In AA, Leveque finished 3rd overall and in Open it was 2nd overall. Christophe looked and rode better than he has in a while and his results don't do his racing style justice, Be on the look out for some great results from him in the very near future. Matt Hadan took to the NBL track like the pro he is, and was in the Pro Open main event on Sunday. Matt was Holeshoting motos all weekend and when the time came for Pro open, he once again did so. A lot of bumping down the first strait away kept him back to 7th overall, but be on the lookout for the California kid to post up some great results.
Chausson and Gracia win Redbull Racedown to the middle of the earth
Chausson beat Marla Streb in the final and Cedric Gracia beat Bas de Bever. The race was held 700 meter under the earth, the course was made with jumps and berms and it was really dark. Every rider had lights on the bike and the surface was salt. After the race there was a big party with 500 people in a really big room 700 meters under the earth. It look like that everybody had a great time and was happy to be invited to an event like this.
 Van den Hurk leaves Team Be One Ruud Poels new team manager 

Heerenveen (NL) – After six years of leading both the Be One Cross-country and Downhill team, Marcel van den Hurk leaves the team to work full-time as product manager for Be One Bikes. He will be replaced by Ruud Poels. Poels is the former PR manager of the PDM road cycling team and former team manager of the American Eagle mountainbike team. “It’s time to focus on my job with Be One Bikes, a combination of two jobs really isn’t possible since both the team and the brand Be One have developed themselves towards such a high and professional level ”, Van den Hurk said after the announcement. Last year Van den Hurk worked for Be One both as team manager for Team Be One and as Product manager Be One Bikes. Van den Hurk started in 1995 with the Batavus team, on a national scale at the beginning. But in a few years time Van den Hurk managed it to transform the team from a small (national) team to an international top team with the same riders who were there from the beginning.  “I remember us cheering for Bas van Dooren when he finished within the top 50 at a World Cup. But as the team became more and more professional and the riders were offered better opportunities to prepare for the races, the results became better and better. I can say I am very proud to have led a team which has developed itself into one of  the  best teams there is in both cross-country and Down-Hill. And I’m confident, with Ruud Poels as the new team manager, I leave the team in good hands. I think he has the knowledge and expertise to lead a team as professional as Team Be One”. Together with Van den Hurk, Dennis Weijers also leaves the team to work for Be One Bikes / Batavus. Dennis Weijers will be replaced by Bas Weijers, who will be responsible for marketing and communications for Team Be One this year. Both Van den Hurk and Dennis Weijers will stay connected to the team in a more advisory role.

Europas größter Funsport-Event startet im Ruhrgebiet 

Sechs Städte bieten Spitzensport, Mitmach-Aktionen und Lifestyle

Neuss (pps) Vom 29. Juni bis 1. Juli 2001 ist das Ruhrgebiet erstmals Schauplatz des größten Fun- und Trendsportevents Europas. Publikumsattraktive Wettkämpfe in acht verschiedenen Sportarten - von Inline-Skating, BMX und Wakeboarding über Freeclimbing, Street Luge und Mountainbiking bis zu Motocross und Snowboarding - werden in sechs Revier-Städten ausgetragen. Mit der Skateboard-WM „Monstermastership“ in Dortmund als Kooperationspartner wird zudem eine der traditionsreichsten Funsportarten in die Veranstaltung eingebunden. Erwartet werden rund 400 Top-Athleten aus aller Welt, die am letzten Wochenende vor den Sommerferien mit spektakulären Stunts und Tricks ihr Publikum begeistern werden. Attraktive Mitmach-Events, bei denen Funsport-Fans aller Altersklassen ihr Können unter Beweis stellen und neue Sportarten ausprobieren können, ergänzen das Veranstaltungsprogramm. Open-Air-Konzerte runden das lifestyle-orientierte Rahmenprogramm ab. Institutionen Nordrhein-Westfalens wie die Projekt Ruhr GmbH, der Kommunalverband Ruhrgebiet, die Ruhrgebiet Tourismus GmbH und pro ruhrgebiet e. V. sowie die Austragungsstätten Dortmund, Gelsenkirchen, Bottrop, Oberhausen, Essen und Duisburg unterstützen den Mega-Event. Die Konzeption stammt von der Unternehmensgruppe Sport-Informations-Dienst (SID) in Neuss, die auch die Gesamtorganisation der Veranstaltung übernommen hat.

2001 Winter X Games medalists


Moto X
















Big Air

Big Air

Men's Skier X

Women's Skier X



Men's Big Air

Women's Big Air

Men's Snowboarder X

Women's S-boarder X

Men's Slopestyle

Women's Slopestyle

Men's SuperPipe

Women's SuperPipe



Mike Jones

Tanner Hall

Zach Crist

Aleisha Cline

Blair Morgan

Carl Kuster

J. Oksanen

Tara Dakides

Scott Gaffney

Line Oestvold

Kevin Jones

J. MacLeod

Dan Kass

S. Dunn




T. Clowers

Evan Raps

T. Anderson

M. Jonsson

Kent Ipsen

Vinny Clark

T. Richards

Barrett Christy

Mark Schulz

Erin Simmons

T. Richards

S. Dunn

T. Czeschin

Natasza Zurek




C. Adoptante

C.R. Johnson

E. Gavaggio

C. Lawrence

D.J. Eckstrom

Matt Luczynski

Josh Dirksen

Jenna Murano

Seth Wescott

Amy Johnson

Jussi Oksanen

Marni Yamada

Ross Powers

F. Reuteler



GLOBAL RACING: Missy Giove is on the road to recovery
Following earlier reports in the press, Global Racing would like to make a current status report on Missy Giove's recent training injury. Former World Champion and World Cup winner Missy Giove is on the road to recovery after a 19 January training accident, near her home at Durango, Colorado, in which she sprained ligaments in both knees and cracked the head of her right tibia.The injuries were sustained when she crashed her bicycle and slid over a ledge. No surgery was, or is, required and the initial  prognonis was for full recovery six to eight weeks after the  accident. Specifically, the injuries are sprains of the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments in Missy's left leg, as well as the cracked tibia. In her right leg, she sustained a sprain to the medial collateral  ligament. In a statement made on 6 February, Missy said: "Rehab is ahead of schedule, as I anticipated, and my therapists and I have an off-road goal of 24 Feb. I am confident that I will be able to attain this goal."
Former BMX World Champion gets second at Cyclocross Worlds
Tabor (Tsj) – After a 6th place in last year’s World Championship Cyclo-cross, Dorland was looking for more this year. Her results in recent races made her a candidate for the podium. By finishing 2nd, the Dutch Be One star exceeded most expectations. More important, this result has strengthen her confidence in the upcoming mountain bike season. Last week’s race in Switzerland already showed that Dorland was going to be a major candidate for the podium in Tabor. By finishing 2nd behind World Champion Kupfernagel in this pre-world’s race, Dorland showed her top shape. “I knew I had a chance to finish on the podium, but the circumstances made me worry. The snow and ice made the course very slippery, which is usually a disadvantage for me by comparison with my more experienced opponents”, said Dorland after the race. “The start was going to be very important, so I pushed real hard the first round. This effort put me in 2nd place and gave me the opportunity to focus on my technique and to maintain my position.” Dorland has drawn a lot of media attention lately because of her recent results and a photo reportage in a prominent Dutch sports magazine. With this attention, the popularity and fame of “Be One Beauty” Dorland has risen to a special level. For Dorland and the rest of Team Be One, preparations for the mountainbike season have started.
Rob Warner Pro Technique Courses
Firecrest Mountain Biking Mountain Bike Courses, Aston Hill Mountain Bike Area - Rob Warner follows up last winters popular courses with more of the same this winter. Using Aston Hills infamous 'Black Run' Rob shows the riders exactly how he tackles the trail and then coaches the riders individually through each section of the trail, in turn improving their confidence and speed. The course is aimed at downhillers of all abilities and just watching Rob riding the 'Black Run' is enough inspiration to make you ride faster. Rob's 3hr Courses cost £150 per course which can be shared between 4 people. They are booked through Firecrest courses can be booked for any week day and on Saturday mornings from 10am - 1pm (subject to availability). Details are now online and bookings are being taken now for all Courses . Firecrest Mountain Biking has put together an all new programme of Mountain Bike Skills Courses. Using the trails that make up Aston Hill Mountain Bike Area to develop the skills of mountain bikers of all ages and abilities. For further information or to make a booking contact: Firecrest Mountain Biking , Phone/Fax 01296 489729 , Phone 07050 163421 , E-mail:
45,050 Anaheim Fans Watch Carmichael Defeat McGrath
 Anaheim, Calif. - Team Chevy Trucks Kawasaki's Ricky Carmichael pulled off an amazing win in front of a sold out Edison International Field to take over the series lead in 250cc EA SPORTS Supercross Presented by Speed Stick. 125cc Western Regional Supercross points leader Ernesto Fonseca (Costa Rica) takes in another win. A 10th place start for Carmichael (Havana, Fla.) didn't stop the 21-year-old Floridian from winning his third race of the season, the first in Anaheim. Team Mazda/Yamaha's Jeremy McGrath, the seven-time series champion, started fast, earning the $1,000 SFX Holeshot Award. Behind McGrath (Encinitas, Calif.), Team Honda/Universal's Ezra Lusk (Bainbridge, Ga.), Team Yamaha of Troy/Fox's Nick Wey (Dewitt, Mich.) and Team Suzuki's Kevin Windham (Centerville, Miss.) battled for second place. Lusk would move into second place then crash hard in the whoops section on lap nine, forcing him to the sidelines. Carmichael's comeback parade had him gaining one second a lap on race leader McGrath as he settled into second place on lap nine - briefly. When McGrath miss-timed the rhythm section before the triple jump, Carmichael made the pass on lap 17 at 30 feet in the air. It was hardly over there; McGrath re-passed Carmichael and momentarily held down the lead once again. However, Carmichael bounced back to regain the lead and hold on for the win."I didn't get the start I wanted," said Carmichael. "I had my work cut out for me, but I will take a win any way. This is a great way to win here in Anaheim." The win gives Carmichael the series points lead after five rounds with 117 points over McGrath (second) with 114 points and Mike LaRocco with 96 points.
  1. Ricky Carmichael

  2. Jeremy McGrath

  3. Kevin Windham

  4. Mike LaRocco

  5. Stephane Roncada

  6. Sebastien Tortelli

  7. Nick Wey

  8. David Vuillemin

  9. Tim Ferry

  10. Michael Byrne

  11. Steve Lamson

  12. Michael Craig

  13. Heath Voss

  14. Kyle Lewis

  15. Isaiah Johnson

  16. Jean-Sebastien Roy

  17. Nathan Ramsey

  18. James Povolny

  19. Ezra Lusk

  20. Robbie Reynard

MTB FUN PARK in Todtnau / Schwarzwald
The MTB FUN PARK in Todtnau/Germany did a good job during the last couple of month. They rebuild the downhill course and put in some big man made jumps. The opening of this years season at the bikepark will be 30.03.200. And they will have their ultimative Nation Cup that is a Schwinn Cup and an Avalanche Cup as well. this race will be held 23.-24.June 2001. For more pics about the park click on the pic.
Die neuen SRX Helme von Sinisalo
Der finnische Motocross- und Offroad-Spezialist Sinisalo erweitert sein Zubehörangebot im Jahr 2001 um die neuen, hochwertigen SRX Helme. Die Außenschale der Helme besteht aus einem speziellen High-Tech-Verbundmix: Fiberglas, Spectra, Dyneema und Kevlar garantieren hohe Festigkeit. Zudem erweist sich der SRX-Helm mit rund 1.300 Gramm (Größe L) als wahres Leicht gewicht. Für angenehmen Tragekomfort und ein trockenes Klima sorgt ein CoolMax-Innenfutter, das komplett herausnehmbar und leicht zu reinigen ist. Zu den weiteren Features der Helme zählen ein verstellbares, im Helm­design lackiertes Helmschild, 
Brillenbandstopper und ein einfach zu bedienender Doppel-D-Ring-Verschluß. Für effektive Ventilation sorgen Belüftungsschlitze im Kinn- und Stirnbereich sowie an der Seite. Nicht nur Profi-Crosser wissen die Vorteile des großen Sichtfeldes zu schätzen. Der erstklassig verarbeitete Sinisalo SRX Helm wird von HJC hergestellt. Er ist in den Farben grau, orange, blau und rot für 488,96 DM (250 Euro) erhältlich. Helmschilde (33,25 DM/ 17 Euro), Ersatzfutter (66,50 DM/34 Euro) und ein Schrauben-Set (11,73 DM/6 Euro) können bei Bedarf nachbestellt werden.
German Downhiller got new website
Three of the fastest german downhiller got their own Homepage. 1999 German Junior Downhill Champion Stefan Kudella, 2000 German Junior Downhill Champion Andreas Sieber and 15 year old downhill talent Till Schramm now have their on place in the world wide web. Check out and you will find some news about the riders and you have the possibility to get in contact with them.
NZMBA National Champs Series - Round 2 DH
  1. MOSELY Tracy
  2. MACLEOD Sheryl
  3. QUIN Vanessa
  4. HORLOR Lisa
  5. JOHNSON Nicol
Check out the results of the 2nd round of the NZMBA National Champs Series in Newzealand.
  1. RANKIN Nathan
  3. SHELDON Scott
  4. NELSON Timothy
  5. KAY Ian