volvo-cannondale cc only for 2001?
rumors said that cannondale is more interested in cc for 2001. but volvo likes the downhill and dual more. so maybe we will see a volvo-xy team next year.
be one will concentrate on dh in 2001
bas van dooren will probably ride for specialized next year and the rest of the team will concentrate on dh next year.
Specialized closes DH Team for 2001
we heared that specialized will be concentrating on cc next year and will make some of the fastest downhiller and dualist jobless
Workshop mit Kobes und Stratmann
Am 14./15. Oktober veranstaltet der SV Essen Steele Ein
Workshop-Wochenende mit Britta Kobes (für die Weiber) und Dennis
Stratmann. Anmeldung und Infos unter 0201/538447 oder auf der Homepage:
New Cratoni Downhill Helmet

The first time we saw the new Cratoni Downhill Helmet in action was at the World Championships in Sierra Nevada / Spain when Nico Vouilloz raced it in the final. We think that Cratoni did a good job and we are waiting for the date of sale.

DELDYCKE wins Dual Slalom

Michael Deldycke won the Dualslalom race at the european Championships. Second place went to Steve Peat who qualified first.

German Championship

Marcus Klausmann became German Champion in Downhill. The race was held in Tabarz in the east of Germany and second place went to Markus Bast who was second last year, too.

In the Junior Class Andreas Sieber won. But this is not the point. It was only his 3rd Downhill race. Befor he raced Todtnau and the World´s where he became 12th. Before he started to race Downhill he was racing Moto-X and quit two years ago. Watch him for the future!
New World Champion
At the World´s in Sierra Nevada Myles Rockwell did the impossible he beat Nico Vouilloz at the biggest race in the year. Myles ,who had bad löuck with injuries in the last couple of year made a perfect run to beat everybody in the world. So watch out for a stoked Myles Rockwell!!!!
In Metabiefe we had the chance to take some picture of Karim Amour´s Downhill bike. It is probably the same that Nico rides but when you stand next to the track it is way different. But it is still a smooth bike that everybody dreams of.